Annual Executive Retreat


  • Safe Space for highly candid dialogue. The meeting is designed to foster candid, provocative exchanges among a senior practitioner peer set: the majority of the meeting is held under “Chatham House” not-for-attribution rules.
  • VP and C-level participation. Participants are Chief Sustainability Officers and other C-suite and VP-level executives from a wide variety of functions – CEOs, COOs, CIOs, CTOs, CFOs, VPs of Supply Chain – plus director-level executives who are influencers within their organizations.
  • Small Working Sessions and Roundtables. The heart of the meeting is small, off-the-record working sessions that foster full participation from all members. CEF bars traditional slide presentations to foster an atmosphere of free-flowing dialogue. Tailored research provides a foundation for fast, efficient exchange of best-practice insights and tools at the meeting.
  • Cross-Functional Learning. Recognizing that corporate sustainability success usually involves cooperation among multiple business departments and top management, CEF draws practitioners from a variety of functional areas by inviting a team of three senior executives of member organizations to participate.
  • Participant-led Agenda. The agenda and format for the CEF Annual Retreat is driven by the Leadership Council and members. The result is a timely, execution-oriented, “By Business, For Business” meeting for experts ready to roll up their sleeves and discuss real-world issues that matter to their success today.
  • Cross Industry Leverage. CEF members benefit from the cross-pollination of ideas and experience from diverse industries, which produces new ideas for problem solving and innovation.
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